2021 Message from the President

Paul Austin, M.D.
Dear Members and Friends of the AAPU
The year 2021 created difficult times for many people around the world and will certainly be remembered by all of us. It seems forever ago that Paul and Kelly Austin organized their fantastic meeting in Mayakoba, Mexico in 2020.
Now that immunization numbers are rising and infection cases are falling in the US we can start pursuing our academic mission with in person meetings. The 2021 AAPU meeting was canceled but I am happy to say that we will hold the 2022 AAPU annual meeting in Jackson, Wyoming. The meeting will take place on the Martin-Luther King week from January 17th until the 21th at the Snake River Lodge.
We already have a lot of interest and great feedback from many of our colleagues that want to attend the meeting. The scientific program will be interesting and inspiring and spark many good in person discussions. Member dues and meeting registration fees along with the generous support of our sponsors keep the AAPU financially healthy and allow us to support the annual $10,000 AAPU research prize which will be awarded to one or two lucky recipients who will outline their work for us. We reserved a block of rooms at the Snake River Lodge that can be extended the weekend before and after the meeting. We also were able to procure reduced lift tickets and have a fun and exciting social program planned. Among other activities we will have a tubing/beer tasting event and will visit the elk herd at the elk reserve using horse sleighs.
Welcome back my friends! We all look forward to an outstanding meeting in Jackson Hole!